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How to Use this Site

This page explains how to make the most of this site, including navigation and search tips. Please let Online Learning know if you have additional questions or would like to suggest a topic for this page.

How to Get to this Site

Now that you are here, you may want to bookmark this site in your browser for quick navigation.

The main pathway to this Faculty Resources site is a link within Blackboard, visible only to instructors.

From any page on this site, click the title of the site (Faculty Resources) in the upper left corner, or the "Faculty Resources Home" link at top right to return to the landing page.

Who is the Audience for this Site?

The topics on this site are intended for MHCC faculty.

  • These topics are not appropriate for faculty at other schools and are not intended for students.
  • There is a separate Student Help site for MHCC students linked at the bottom of every page of this site. 

Searching and Finding Content

The site's content is organized within folders. Each folder (or subfolder) contains pages related to a given topic. You can view the entire hierarchy of topics by visiting the sitemap.

Landing Page Topics

The landing page is the page you see when you visit the base address of this site ( The topics on that page are curated based on the most-visited and most-requested topics. Click any of the topics to navigate to a list of pages within that topic. 

Search Bar

  • Most or all pages will include a search bar, either at the top of the page or in the right column. (Right column is moved below page content on smaller screens, such as smartphones.) 
  • Search on this site is performed by Google
  • Search results appear in a pop-up window. If you do not see any search results after submitting a search, confirm that your browser is allowing pop-ups from this site.
  • At the bottom of the search results you may see a list of numbers. These numbers correspond to pages of results and can be clicked to navigate to other pages of results.
  • At the bottom of the search results you may see this text: "Search for [your search term] on Google." If you click that text, it will open your search on Google, with results not only from this site but from the entire Internet.
  • We apologize if search results on this site are not accurate or useful. We have little control over how Google decides what results are relevant. You may find it more fruitful to find topics by exploring the topics on the landing page.


Related Pages

On any topic page, you will find an area in the right column (or below the main page content if in responsive mode, such as a mobile device, or in small screen widths) called Related Pages. This area lists all topics in the same folder as the current topic.


Site Navigation


The header is a horizontal part of the site at the top of every page. This part of the page stays stationry as users scroll lower down the page. The header has the MHCC logo at top left, as shown below. Top-level navigation is found in the header.

  • Click the name of site or logo at the top left of any page to return to the landing page.
  • You can find other key links at the top right of all pages, such as Blackboard. 
  • On small screens, such as smartphones, header navigation may be collapsed into a "hamburger" menu icon that must be clicked to expand navigatin options.


At the very bottom of all pages is an area that includes useful links, such as to faculty forms, our student help site, MHCC's MediaSpace, and so on.

Tabbed Navigation on Select Pages

Many pages on this site have navigation along the top of the page. As we moved content into our new blog, we used the opportunity to make related content easier and faster for faculty find. Click any of the topics along the topic of the page to open that topic.

Some of these tabbed pages have been combined to present workflows all in one place, such as the example below:


Other tabbed pages collect topics that are closely related, such as the example below: 



Site Features

Zoom in on Images

When you see an image with a drop shadow effect (shown below), you can click on the image to open a larger view. Click the gray area outside the image or the X in the bottom right of the image to close. Try the example below.

Some images are not visible until you open them by clicking on a text link. These text links are followed by a symbol that looks like this.

Click this text link to open a sample image.

Accordions (Expand / Collapse content)

Some pages on this site use an "accordion" feature to present information that is more digestible when divided into smaller chunks.  This allows the user to open or close whichever content they like, instead of all of the content staying visible all of the time. Below is a sample accordion. Click the title of any section to open or close that section.

This is the first item's accordion body. Sometimes the first item is expanded by default.

This is the second item's accordion body. It is hidden by default. The user needs to click to open this one. It can be closed again by clicking the item title above. The accordion items open and close with alternating clicks -- like a classic light switch.

This is the third item's accordion body. It is hidden by default.



A few pages on this site have buttons. The buttons can trigger a slider (see below) or open other content that is not already visible. 


On a few pages, clicking a button will open a "slider." The slider is a layer that appears to slide over the current page. The layer below the slider will turn to a muted gray tone. To close the slider, look for an "X" in the upper corner and click it, or simply click any of the gray area outside of the slider. 

Use the following button to open an example slider.
Example Slider

This is the content in the "slider."

To close the slider, click somewhere outside of the slider (but still in the browser window). Or you can click the "X" at top.