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Create an Assignment Submission Area

Blackboard's Assignment tool is used when students submit files (Word documents, PowerPoint files, Kaltura videos, Excel files, PDF documents, and so on). You can think of it as a "drop box" for student work.

  1. In Blackboard, make sure Edit Mode is on, then click on the Assessments button at the top of the page.
  2. Select Assignment from the drop down menu.
    Assignment button in the Assessments menu
  3. Click on the orange "Show me how this screen works" button at the top of the page.
    Create assignment: show me how this screen works
  4. Follow the steps to create the assignment submission area.
    Beginning instructions for creating an assignment
  5. You can have students submit documents, presentations, videos, and more. Online Learning has crafted some basic language for you to customize or use in the instructions of your Assignment dropbox.
  6. When you are done, view the page in Student Preview mode to make sure it looks as you intended.

Visit the Blackboard Help site for more information about creating and editing assignments.