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Edit a Bb Course Shell

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The topics below are related to changes you can make to a course shell (not to specific lesson pages).

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Add a Tool Link to Course Menu

You can add links to Blackboard tools in the course menu. Many instructors use links to discussion boards, Zoom, and so on. See the process for adding menu links

Add Link to Student Knowledge Base

Add a link to the Online Learning student knowledge base to your existing courses. Add the link in the course menu, as well as course content areas.

How to Create a Course Banner

Follow these steps to create your course banner and add it to your class in Blackboard.

Mapping Outcomes to your Blackboard Course

Blackboard offers a goals tool which allows instructors to map their outcomes to course activities, assignments, and assessments.

Modules in Blackboard

Blackboard has a few options when it comes to organizing your course content within "containers." Modules are the container option used in the MHCC Online Learning accessible course template. Explore the links along the top of this page to learn how modules behave and how to add or edit file links within your course modules.

Tips for Effective Lessons Homepage

The Homepage is the first thing students see when they log into your course. See when and how to provide the most effective information to students

Update Support Links

Some older course shells in Blackboard may have broken, irrelevant or outdated student support links. It's easy to update these links so students can get the help they need from college support services.

If you have a suggestion or would like to report a problem, send us your feedback.